As part of its national expansion, HausVac approached StitchDX to develop a modernized online presence and refresh their brand. Established in 1981, under the name East End Centro-Vac, HausVac has been the leader in central vacuum sales, products, and service for over a quarter century.
As a nationally recognized innovator in the central vacuum industry, HausVac has been proud to be involved in some of the most exciting and innovative construction projects on Eastern Long Island—from detailed restoration of 17th century structures to the high tech glass and steel structures currently gracing the Atlantic shoreline.
HausVac’s first area geolocation for their expansion is to the ever-growing Central Florida community. Together we crafted a new logo treatment, an engaging design and visual story to ensure that their professional service and product quality shine through.
The new site better defines the HausVac legacy. Focused on the wide range of products, proprietary designs and professional experiences, the new site uses media queries to determine screen sizes to provide a responsive design that serves to simplify the overall user experience.
Check out their site at