
Written by StitchDX | Aug 7, 2013 9:06:43 PM

Using Facebook Hashtags

You have undoubtedly seen the use of hashtags (#) on various social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Vine. These symbols can provide users with a way to receive the latest updates on specific topics, participate in conversations and connect with people who have similar interests. The hashtag has also become an effective tool for businesses of any size to engage and connect with their audience.

Though the hashtag has been around since 2007, Facebook just recently started allowing users to hashtag a word or phrase to make a clickable link. Once clicked, users will see a feed of public posts that all contain the unique hashtag with which they can actively engage.

Expand Your Reach

Facebook’s new hashtag feature allows businesses to expand their social reach by providing a way for businesses to get their brand message, not only to their fans, but also to people who have not yet “Liked” their Page. Small brands have the opportunity to get national exposure by coining their own hashtag or keyword.

Join the Conversation

Brands that hashtag words or phrases relating to a niche topic have the ability to reach an audience who is ready to engage in a real-time conversation on Facebook. It doesn’t need to be complicated, just identify a relevant hashtag and tie your business into conversations that are already going on. Create a simple message that associates your brand with what is trending now. Remember, social media is less about pushing out a sales pitch and more about generating buzz and actively engaging your audience so that they will become your loyal brand ambassadors.

Listen and Adapt

Something that brands often overlook is how hashtags can provide a way for brands to listen to their audience and find out what people want and think. Whether good or bad, brands need to tune in to what people are saying about them in the real-time social environment. Many companies use hashtags as a customer service tool, monitoring posts about negative experiences and providing assistance to ensure that brand loyalty stays intact. The addition of hashtags to Facebook will certainly keep with the trend of social customer service.

The addition of Facebook hashtags is an incredible opportunity for brands to expand their social reach, engage their audience and listen to customer feedback. So, make sure your brand is joining the conversation — It is happening with or without you.