
No I’m Not Your Mommy, But I Can See The Confusion

Posted by StitchDX on Dec 15, 2011 11:34:49 AM

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of hearing Gary Vaynerchuck speak at the B.I.G. Summit at Full Sale Live in Orlando, FL. For those of you who don’t know Gary is a “Social Media Guru”, an author, and co-founder of Wine Library. He spoke of the changing digital market and how marketing is not what it once was. To say the least he was very insightful and inspiring.

To quote a very wise man,

“Why do we love our parents so much?....Because our parents love us first.”

-Gary Vaynerchuck

Why not show our customers the same love. There are many B2C companies out there that are wondering about social media and how to implement it correctly. They think one of three things.

a)      They don’t need it
b)      They need it but don’t have the time or knowledge to implement it effectively
c)      They are using it to push unwanted content or promotions onto consumers.

Social media is not “Push” marketing. It is not anything that we have seen in the last 100 years. Social media is “hey let me hold your hand marketing” and “let you know everything will be alright” marketing. If you want loyal customers do not over flow your customers inbox’s with unwanted coupons or specials that prompt the consumer to “buy it now” or “come in today for this limited time offer.” That customer will likely not appreciate the spam, and even worse may tell their friends how annoying your company is which can go viral in a hurry.

Take a moment to think on the kinds of “push emails” you get in a given day, week, or month. How often do you find the emails are relevant? Do you find them bothersome? Do you find them helpful? How about when you look on your Facebook news feed and see a company trying to sell you a cruise? Annoyed? That is why smart business owners are innovating. They are no longer bothering their customers but engaging them. They are actually implementing strategies that flip from “push” to “pull”. They are implementing strategies that make the customer want to come to them!

So you are probably asking yourself “what the heck do I do with these different social media platforms.” One way is to offer information. Supply interested consumers with relevant information. If you are a beer company and you find that most of your fans watch sports or play video games put articles up that might catch their eye. This builds trust, and credibility. This makes that consumer your friend. This makes your brand “human”. This is how friends interact. Now you are not just another company pushing your product you are simply suggesting an article that a friend might like.

Our advice to you is to make yourself become like a “parent”. Offer advice. Be a source of comfort. Be a source of trust. Be a source of understanding and you will “feel the love”!

Happy Holidays!

Tags: Marketing, Advertising Agency Orlando, Brand Voice, Branding & Strategy, Build Awareness, Create Affinity, Brand Voice, General, Orlando Advertising Agencies, Technetium

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